Millie had her vet assessment yesterday with Dr Steve, she got a clean bill of health which is such great news for her.

Millie is 8 yrs old, no evidence of a heart murmur which is what we were fearing due to her breed and the fact Cavvies are extremely prone to heart issues.

Literally she has no health concerns – go Millie!

We held off on vaccinating her until I’d been able to get what little vet history was on her file, she’ll return next week to be fully vaccinated.

Millie had lived with her owners since a puppy, a call from my groomers who had the couples son reach out to them as his parents both had dementia, Millie does not like cats, he has cats so Millie wasn’t happy with that.

She was, wait for it…..30kg!!!!

Fed a diet of half a roast chicken and fairy bread as her daily diet. Sadly Millie couldn’t stand, was unable to lift her legs to even get up a step, she was clinically obese. She just ate, and slept.

When Millie’s owners son took ownership the first thing he did was seek medical advice. Aside from her obvious obesity Millie’s teeth were shocking, she had 30 decaying teeth extracted, no doubt the amount of sugar in the daily fairy bread had completely rotted her teeth. From there a diet plan was put in place.

Millie lost 17kg by the time we took over her care, with just another couple of kilos to shed to get her to an ideal weight foster parents Cassie and Ake are dedicated to Millie’s combined diet and exercise plan.

Another couple of weeks in foster care and we are going to be looking for a younger couple/family/active retired, no cats! who can continue with Millie’s new healthier lifestyle ; no couch potatoes need apply…..!

Isn’t Millie just the most beautiful young lady? And soon to be looking for someone special to share her life with 🌸